Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Newport trips confirmed!

 Rob Waddell, skipper and part-owner of Newport Tradewinds, our charter company in Newport, has informed me that our proposed schedule has been confirmed. To make sure you are able to take the trip you want, sign up right away! 

Monday, January 27, 2025

OPT Updates: Women's Exclusive Pelagic, Spring Ilwaco Pelagic, Repo Cruise Full

While we are still awaiting schedule confirmation from Newport Tradewinds, Oregon Pelagic Tours is happy to announce two new pelagics in 2025. On April 26, we will be offering an 8-hour trip out of Ilwaco. This trip will concentrate on birding waters of Pacific County, WA. And on August 17, women wishing to bird with other women will have the chance to do so, as Tamara of Garibaldi Charters will be the skipper of an  all-female pelagic. (Disclaimer: if we are not able to reach the minimum number of women to run this trip, we will be opening it to people of all gender identities.)  Finally, registration is now closed for the spring repositioning cruise aboard the Zaandam May 3-7. OPT prides itself on its customer service and we have determined that 12 people is the maximum number of participants that will allow us to provide the high level of service to which we we aspire.