Time for an OPT update. We had to deal with fog, but our 2 1/2 hour Three Arch Rocks NWR tour on August 6 (run in conjunction with Garibaldi Charters) was again successful. In addition to good views of puffins, we saw numerous Rhinoceros Auklets, several Sooty Shearwaters, as well as the expected species (Common Murre, Pigeon Guillemot, all three cormorants, Brown Pelican, Western Gull). Along the jetties, we found two Wandering Tattlers, Black Turnstones and Surfbirds. These trips are turning out to be very enjoyable for passengers, boat crew, and the guide. There is one more of these trips this fall on Sunday, September 3. Come join the fun.
What else is going on with Oregon Pelagic Tours? We could not muster enough sign-up to run our August 20 Garibaldi 8-hour trip and had to cancel it, but our September 17 Garibaldi trip is full. If interested in a Garibaldi trip this year, we still have spaces available on our October 15 Garibaldi trip (weather back-up date of October 22).
Our August 27 Newport 10 hour trip will go out, but definitely could use more participants. Our September 9 Newport 8-hour trip is almost full and has been confirmed with the charter. There are a lot of spaces available on our October 8 8-hour and December 2 8-hour trips, both out of Newport.
It will be a fun fall on the ocean. Please check the Schedule and Reservations pages of the Oregon Pelagic Tours website if you are considering joining us.